Thamrin Jakarta Pusat
Dhadiri Sekjen, Direktur Pariwisata, DKP (Dept. Kelautan dan Perikanan)
Bp.Aji Sularso, BRKP bp. Asep Muhammad, DEBINDO group,
TRICOM group Rudy Soedarsono, bp. Olohan C Simmatupang
Official Patrol means those persons designated by Captain of the Port Buffalo, Detroit, Sault Ste. Marie and Lake Michigan to monitor a Tall Ship safety and security zone, permit entry into the zone, give legally enforceable orders to persons or vessels within the zone and take other actions authorized by the cognizant Captain of the Port. Persons authorized in paragraph (i) to enforce this section are designated as the Official Patrol.
Public Vessel means vessels owned, chartered, or operated by the United States, or by a State or political subdivision thereof.
Tall Ship means any sailing vessel participating in the 2006 Tall Ships Challenge in the Great Lakes. The following vessels are participating in the 2006 Tall Ships Challenge: Sailing Vessel (S/V) Appledore IV, S/V Denis Sullivan, S/V Appledore V, S/V Friends Good Will, S/V Highlander Sea, S/V Niagara, S/V Madeline, S/V Nina, S/V Picton Castle, S/V Pathfinder, S/V Playfiar, S/V Providence, S/V Pride of Baltimore, S/V St. Lawrence II, S/V Red Witch, S/V Royaliste, S/V Windy, S/V Unicorn, and S/V Windy II.
(b) Safety and Security zone. The following areas are safety and security zones: all navigable waters of United States located in the Ninth Coast Guard District within a 100 yard radius of any Tall Ship sailing vessel.
(c) Effective Period. This section is effective from 12:01 a.m. (local) on Wednesday July 11, 2006 through 12:01 a.m. (local) on August 10, 2006.
(d) Regulations. When within a Tall Ship safety and security zone all vessels must operate at the minimum speed necessary to maintain a safe course and must proceed as directed by the on-scene official patrol. No vessel or person is allowed within 25 yards of a Tall Ship that is underway, at anchor, or moored, unless authorized by the cognizant Captain of the Port, his designated representative, or on-scene official patrol.
(e) Navigation Rules. The Navigation Rules shall apply at all times within a Tall Ship's security and safety zone.
(f) To request authorization to operate within 25 yards of a large passenger vessel that is underway or at anchor, contact the on-scene official patrol on VHF-FM channel 16....
dan lain-lain dan seterusnya....!
Norwegia merupakan negara maritime paling beragam di Eropa dan diakui dunia karena keahliannya dalam bidang perkapalan, peralatan laut dan kemampuan untuk mengekploitasi pasar baru. Ekonomi kelautan Norwegia secara keseluruhan – industri yang berkembang yang berhubungan dengan perkapalan dan industri aquakultur – mencakup beragam jenis produk dan layanan.
Peralatan Aquakultur
Awalnya festival kelautan ini bertujuan untuk memperingati 700 tahun kota Amsterdam di tahun 1975. Siapa sangka penyelenggaraan itu ternyata mendulang sukses. Pada tahun 1977 dibentuklah sebuah Yayasan Sail Amsterdam yang mengadopsi segala kalangan profesi masyarakat , pengusaha dan akademika pencinta laut untuk merapihkan kepengurusan acara Sail di tahun 1980.
Festival Sail 1980 kembali sukses, yang kemudian berbuntut pada penyelenggaraan lanjutan pada tahun 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000 dan yang baru saja berlalu pada tahun 2005. Jadi kalau segala sesuatunya lancar, maka Sail selanjutnya akan digelar pada tahun 2010. Satu hal yang pasti Sail 2005 memberi kenangan indah persahabatan internasional.
Dalam event tersebut Dewaruci berperan serta dan mendapat sambutan hangat di Sail Amsterdam.
Majapahit sorangan sibuk nyiapkeun sambutan pikeun para tamu. Sapuluh poé ti harita, kapala désa Bubat ngalaporkeun geus datangna rombongan Sunda. Prabu Hayam Wuruk jeung paman-pamanna geus saged rék ngabagéakeun nu datang, tapi patih Gajah Mada teu panuju. Anjeunna keukeuh nyebutkeun yén Maharaja Majapahit teu pantes ngabagéakeun/nyambut raja nu statusna raja lokal (vazal) kawas raja Sunda, malah saha nu nyaho yén anjeunna téh musuh nu nyamar.
Mangka, nurutkeun pamanggih Gajah Mada, Prabu Hayam Wuruk teu jadi indit ka Bubat. Para abdi dalem karaton jeung pangagung séjénna kagét ngadéngé hal ieu, tapi maranéhna teu wani ngabantah.